


The presentation by Luis Alexandre Blog Site is a way of indicating the focus of the content that is written here, which aims to simplify some content related to Information Technology (IT).

Mainly related to the subjects of:

  • Database.
  • Neural networks.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Datawarehouse.
  • Data Mining.
  • Algorithms.
  • Programming languages.
  • Between others.

Thus, always using a simpler and more practical approach.

Above all, a YouTube channel linked to the content of the Blog is also being launched, which can be accessed by clicking on the link: Youtube.

While books and courses start with theory, here the idea is to show you how to develop a subject step by step in practice and then define the theories involved, making it easier for you to delve deeper later.

Problem Based Learning

At first, the learning technique called Problem Based Learning (PBL) has been gaining a lot of space in the academic environment related to educators.

Therefore, it is an individual-centered approach, in which one learns about a subject by working to solve a particular open problem, which is what drives motivation and learning.

As a result of this learning methodology, one can have the following items:

Oral and written communication.
Self-awareness and evaluation of group processes.
Working independently.
Critical thinking and analysis.
Explaining concepts.
Autonomous learning.
Applying course content to real-world examples.
Problem solving.
Between others.

Likewise, this type of process-oriented and self-directed pedagogical strategy can prepare the individual for successful learning, providing a basis for further delving into related theories.


Therefore, they have invested time in this technique, aiming to reduce the distance between learning theory and practice, using a problem-solving approach.

Finally, you can click here to go back to the list of content posts.


Luis Alexandre da Silva

Professor e Consultor de tecnologia em desenvolvimento de sistemas.Possui mestrado em Ciência da Computação pela UNESP (2016), especialização em Gestão Integrada de Pessoas e Sistemas de Informação pela FIB (2008) e graduação em Análise de Sistemas pela Universidade do Sagrado Coração (1997).Por fim, tem experiência em Gerenciamento de Projetos, Linguagens de Programação e Banco de Dados. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: ensino, gerenciamento de projetos, ITIL, Desenvolvimento WEB e processos BPO.

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